Dental Implants

Replacing missing teeth is not only a good idea for self-confidence; it is a necessary step to preserve vital aspects of oral health. Dental implants are the most lifelike and natural solution to the problem of missing teeth because they replace the entire structure from root to crown.

Dental Implant Structure and Treatment

Dental implants are most often made of biocompatible titanium, which integrates fully with natural bone, making a stable foundation for a dental implant crown.

Most dental implants consist of three parts:

  • Dental implant screw
  • Abutment attachment
  • Dental implant crown

To determine if adequate bone exists to support a dental implant, we take digital dental x-rays. In cases of insufficient bone, bone grafting can add to the structure to make it possible for dental implant treatment.

Bone grafting requires placement of lab-created or donor bone at the site of the dental implant, increasing its density. Dr Angela Zhang will determine the ideal location for dental implant placement and utilise a surgical guide to put it in place.

Dental Implant Surgery

To assist in the accurate placement of the dental implant, we use Intero 3-D scanning technology, eliminating the need for stitches and expediting recovery time. After placing the dental implant screw, dental implants require time to integrate (fuse) with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. This takes between three and six months. Patients generally experience minimal discomfort during both the surgical procedure and the healing process. We always make sure patients feel entirely comfortable before beginning any dental procedure.

When the time comes, Dr Zhang will design a dental crown to match the surrounding teeth and give your smile a uniform appearance. 

Benefits of Dental Implants

Many patients choose dental implants because of their health and cosmetic benefits.

  • Enjoy an unrestricted diet.
  • Preserve underlying bone structure.
  • Protect remaining teeth from misalignment.
  • Enjoy a completely natural look and feel.
  • Care for dental implants in the same way as natural teeth.

When patients have multiple missing teeth, replacing all of them with dental implants may sometimes seem overwhelming. At Aglow Dental Group, we offer implant-supported dentistry including implant-retained dentures and implant-supported bridges to provide stable, reliable results without the need for full arch implant dentistry.

Caring for Dental Implants

Because they become part of your body, dental implants require similar care as your natural teeth. The main threat to dental implants is periodontal disease and bone loss.

  • Brush teeth twice daily.
  • Floss teeth each day.
  • Attend regular check-up and clean appointments.
  • Avoid biting into anything that could harm your dental implant.

Except in some rare cases, if your implant crown becomes damaged, we can repair or replace it without affecting the underlying dental implant structure.

Ready to Say Goodbye to Missing Teeth?

If you want a reliable long-term solution to complete your smile, we invite you to get in touch with our Haymarket dental clinic to book an evaluation. Our friendly and experienced team will present all of your treatment options and help you make an informed choice for the future of your smile.