Guided Biofilm Therapy is the systematic, predictable solution for dental biofilm management in professional prevention and maintenance using state of the art AIRFLOW®, PERIOFLOW® and PIEZON® technologies. It is proven by scientific evidence. Guided Biofilm Therapy consists of treatment protocols based on individual patient diagnosis and risk assessment in order to achieve optimal results. The treatment is given in the least invasive way, with the highest level of comfort, safety and efficiency.
我们是颠覆传统, 改变规则者 来自于瑞士的原研产品,瑞士顶尖技术,EMS新牙周机王Air- Flow Master Piezo 牙周无痛治疗+龈上龈下喷砂系统-顶尖外观设计,瑞士精工制造, 出色临床表现源自于这么多年以来对品质的坚持️️作为全City 独一无二GBT瑞式洁治认证诊所,